Roc of Ravenhill Memorial Middle Earth Tournament
This event will take place on November 16th with a $20 entry fee. This will be a 750 point tournament. Players may build their army using the Armies of Middle Earth, Armies of the Hobbit, or any of the MESBG supplements. Smaug and Tom Bombadil are banned profiles. Scenarios for each round will be selected from the Matched Play Guide. Rounds 1 and 2 will not have the option to veto scenarios. Round 3 will allow players to veto scenarios.
Registration: 10-10:30am
Game 1: 10:30-12:30
Lunch: 12:30-1:30
Game 2: 1:30-3:30
Game 3: 4-6pm
Awards: 6:30
Proxy models are allowed if the base size requirements are met. Model must be clear and obvious of what it is a proxy for. Email Tom for questions.[email protected]
It is not required, but strongly encouraged that all models be painted and based. If there is a tie in the final rankings, then a player who has a fully painted and based army will place higher than a player whose army is not fully painted and based.
Placing will be ranked by wins, followed by tournament points, followed by victory points. If there are two players tied for any positions and both have fully painted armies, then the tie will be broken by least victory points conceded.
Prizes will be awarded to players who rank 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. There will be a prize for best painted good. There will be a trivia round after lunch with small prizes.