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The Ring gates are open, asThe Expanse RPGadvances its timeline to the fourth novel in the series, Cibola Burn. The Ring, a massive construct created by the protomolecule out near the orbit of Uranus, is a portal into a strange non-space known as “the Slow Zone.” Centered on an ancient alien station, it connects to more than a thousand other portals to a thousand different star systems, each with one or more worlds shaped by the ancient aliens who created the protomolecule and intended to do the same to Earth. Now they are long gone, and vast frontiers have opened for human settlement and exploration.

Beyond the Ringdetails the Slow Zone, Medina Station, travel through the Ring gates, and some of the many systems found beyond them, along with tools for Game Masters to design their own systems for characters to explore.Beyond the Ringopens up a whole new type of adventure forThe Expanse RPG, as characters travel to distant star systems and face unknown perils!

A copy of theExpanse RPG: Core Rulebookis necessary to use the contents of this book.

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