- BATTLESHIP: BLACK PANTHER WAKANDA FOREVER GAME: This game for kids ages 7+, brings together strategy, competition, and excitement as players choose sides and go head-to-head on 3D platforms
- DEPLOY, DEFEND, DEFEAT: Black Panther fans will love this strategy game! It’s the ultimate search-and-destroy mission as Wakanda and Talokan face off in a battle at sea on 3 different stacked grids
- WAKANDAN SHIPS AND TALOKANIL STRUCTURES: Players call out a sector and a row or column to make their hits. If their opponent’s tokens occupy any part of that location it’s a hit and gets an orange peg
- INCLUDES VIBRANIUM PEGS: If an opponent hits a location with a vibranium peg, that whole row or column is protected. That shot then deflects to the opponent’s same location on their grid
- 2-PLAYER GAME FOR KIDS: Land a hit and earn a special bonus to use on the next turn. The player who defeats their opponent’s entire fleet before theirs is destroyed, wins the game