VENTURE SOCIETY – The Venture Society is a worldwide organization dedicated to helping others and encouraging harmony with your fellow animals, and you’re invited to join. VENTURE! Go on fun adventures to help others in Animalia, from your hometown of Venture Village to the heat of Oasis City or the chilly winds of Twilight Peaks! Follow the Venture Society principles of COMMUNICATION, EMOTIONAL WELLNESS, PERSONAL STRENGTHS, and SOCIAL AWARENESS and get rewarded with Venture Points! All ages can enjoy playing Venture Society, but it is tailored to younger players. Each adventure is under 45 minutes, there is no combat, and there is always a hands-on activity to bring the focus back to the table. This box has everything you need to play Venture Society including over 25 pre-written adventures. This box also includes a Professional’s Guide for using Venture Society in Libraries, School, and in Therapy written by therapists, educators, and librarians! No experience with roleplaying games, no problem! Get started out of the box using our Quick Play setup!
- Venture Society RPG Guidebook
- Professional Guidebook
- 60 page Adventure Book Standee with map & GM “screen” foldout
- 6 double sided dry erase characters sheets
- 6 dry erase markers
- 6 polyhedral dice (2 d6, 2 d8, & 2 d10)
- 52 card Adventure prompt card deck (including non-verbal action cards)
- 12 Venture Point Tokens
- 6 Help Tokens
- Quick Start Rules