Fated in the cards is the future of all realities!X-MEN: X OF SWORDSbrings the cataclysmic showdown that will determine the future of mutantkind toHeroClix!
Based on the critically acclaimed crossover epicX OF SWORDS, thisHeroClixminiatures game features iconicX-Mencharacters likeWolverine, MagikandStormas they stand together to protect the mutant nation of Krakoa from theSwordbearers of Arakko!
Engage in up to 8 exciting campaign scenarios for 2 players where the results matter from session to session, or sit down for a head-to-head single match of raw power!Each of the beautiful pre-paintedfigures comes ready to play with two different modes making this box incredible for both first-time miniatures players andHeroClixveterans!