Speak into the Void
Night after night, you sit alone with your thoughts, your music, anda microphone. Whether you come to your radio show with somberattitude or joyful spirit, you use the music that moves you to etchsomething fleeting and beautiful into the big empty.
You never know who is listening
There are other voices in the darkness. With a deck of cards, a six-sideddie and a stack of music, you will build a playlist, invent andinteract with Callers to your show, and evolve their stories over asmany broadcasts as you like. No matter their motivations, theysimply must be heard. In that way, you are very alike.
VOID 1680 AM includes rules for single-session and ongoing play,instructions to have your show broadcast on the airwaves as anAffiliate, and even a way to add your voice to a library of Callers thatother DJs can use in their own games.
In this game, you can…
- Build a 12-song playlist
- Invent and interact with Callers
- Evolve the stories of your Callers over multiple shows
- Have your show broadcast on AM and YouTube
- Add your voice to an archive of Callers for others to use