Run one-shots based on traditional stories or those of your own devising. Or build entire campaigns that take the fairy tale concept in whole new directions.We Are All Mad Hereincludes:
- A thorough exploration of the fairy tale genre: how it differs from conventional fantasy, how to build on common tropes, and how to bring fairy tale elements into other genres.
- Advice for running fairy tale games, including tips for one-and-done adventures reminiscent of fairy tale stories.
- Everything you need to build characters for fairy tale adventures. Become a Frumious Princess who Befriends the Black Dog, a Fragmented Knight who Feigns No Fear, or a Bewitched Woodcutter who Sheds Their Skin.
- Loads of fairy tale creatures and charactersspecific names from tales you know, and archetypes you can use in any fairy tale game.
- The Heartwood, a complete fairy tale setting that draws upon the fictional concept of madness in a way that addresses our modern, realistic, and sensitive understanding of mental health. In this setting, characters touched with mental illness in the real world discover a realm where they are empowered, and the wild and imaginative adventures they have there allow them to find even greater strengths within themselves.
- An awesome index of fairy tale elements that makes it easy to find characters, cyphers, and mechanics individually, or to assemble all the components of a specific fairy tale.
- Three full-length adventures for use in the Heartwood or your own setting, plus two Cypher Shorts.
This is a setting and supplement for the Cypher System. It requires theCypher System Rulebookfor play.