Dragon Dowseris asingle playersolarpunkroleplaying gameusing theCartasystem byPeach Garden Games. Set in a desolate, war-torn future evoking Studio Ghibli’sNausica of the Valley of the Wind(1985), you play a mysterious character known as a ‘Dowser‘. Your purpose is tolocate abandoneddragon eggsand return them to aSanctuary. If you succeed before yourresourcesrun dry, the hatchling you rescue will berearedto change the kingdom forever!
Throughout this task,you will bechallengedin four distinct ways, each associated with a differentplaying cardsuit. Through these suits youll explore the dangerous far-future setting of Praelar and themes such as war, environmentalism and empathy.
Community: Associated with culture and people
Machine: Associated with machines and warfare
Mystery: Associated with exploration and secrets
Survival: Associated with landscape and weather
This purchase includes the 39 page softcover solo RPG and a 52 card deck of custom playing cards.