Inside this 80-page hardback book youll find:
– An exciting narrative that spans both Aqshy and Ghyran, commencing the story of the Twin-Tailed Crusade and the Plague of Doubt that may destroy it before it begins
– Background information concerning four powerful Harbingers: the Grimhold Exile, Marrowscroll Herald, Harbinger of Decay and Rabble-Rowza
– A stunning showcase of miniatures depicting the Harbingers and their followers waging war throughout the narrative
– Harbinger Path to Glory Battlepack six battleplans, rules for establishing communication outposts to request aid from allies, and quests and upgrades for your Harbingers
– Four Regiments of Renown, each based around one of the Harbingers, including background material, a full set of warscrolls, and pitched battle profiles
This book includes an envelope containing 4x warscroll cards, one for each Harbinger the Grimhold Exile, Marrowscroll Herald, Harbinger of Decay, and Rabble-Rowza.