1848: Australiais a semi-historical railroad game for 3-6 people that covers 150 years of railroad construction and growth in southeast Australia. Beginning in the colonial period when private industries formed private railways, and stretching beyond 1901 when the Australian colonies united to create the Commonwealth of Australia.
1848: Australiais based on the game1829by Francis Tresham. Historical restraints have, as far as possible, been taken into account. In other areas, history will be written anew.1848features the inclusion of the Bank of England as a public company that extends loans and administers railroads that are in receivership, dealing with the different track gauges between states, and “The Ghan” special train.
1848has simple mechanics at its base. The track tiles are placed on the map to from a network of routes, connecting stations together. The trains make notional journeys from station to station, thereby earning money. The more stations (and The more important the station) a train visits, The more money it earns for the company and its shareholders.
Players will compete for control of the six Private Companies, and invest in the eight Public Companies. The player with the most shares in a company is its Direction and decides what the company will do. You will operate your companies, invest in others, buy better trains, and compete for routes. At game-end, the player with the most wealth wins.